martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Summary#4:Cycles of life =)

There are Tree cycles in life and are Water cycle , Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle .

Water Cycle

The water cycle began in evaporation them continue with condensation , ect. this process don't ends it is called "recycle water " this is the most importance cycle .

The cycle of matter is continuos. How does This happen? An old, fallen tree is made wood, bark, and other dead tree tissue. That tissue holds all sorts of complex to be used by most other living things. They need to be broken down into simpler chemicals. This is the job of decomposers. They are organisms that recycle matter from dead organisms. Worn, crickets, cockroaches, bacteria, and fungi are decomposers. These organisms can break down dead wood and other dead plant parts into carbon dioxide and and ammonia. All living plants need carbon dioxide in order to make sugars. Ammonia is a simple  substances that contains the element nitrogen. Nitrogen is extremely important for plants. NO plant can live o grown without nitrogen. All organisms need nitrogen in order to make proteins. Nitogen is a chemical found in plant fertilizers. Fertilizers ae substances used to add mineals to the soil. Some fertilizers are natural. these ae decaying plants and animals, and animal wastes. Other fertilizers are made in factories. Both natural and artificial fertilizers, contain nitrogen.

Carbon cycle

One of the elements that make up all living things is carbon. Nature recycles carbon, and it is used by all organisms. The recycles of this important substance is called the carbon cycle.

Nitrogen Cycle

What do you need nitrogen for? When you eat meat, fish, cereal, or vegetables, you are taking in the nutrients that your body needs  to make  proteins. Proteins are parts of your muscles and many cell structures . Among other things proteins ae rich in the element nitrogen . You need nitrogen to make parts of your body, such as muscles, nerves, skin, bones, blood, and digestive juices. Nitrogen are 78 part of the Earth .


lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Summary#3 : Food Chains and Food Webs

The energy in an ecosystem comes from the Sun . They must have it to move, to breathe, to keeptheir hearts beating, and to stay alive. The energy of the Sun is stored in food. On the prairie the frist organisms in a food chain are plants.  Plants capture the Sun's energy during photosynthesis. This energy is store in the foods the plant makes fo itself.

How Energy Is Passed On

Some of the energy is released for the plant eater to use . Some of the energy is also stored in its tissues . Some is lost as heat . The hawk is one of the organisms at the top of the foods chain. They become food for small organisms like crickets, worms, and ants. They ae also a food source for microscopic organisms like bacteria .

The producers on land include grasses, trees, and all other organisms that use the Sun's energy to make their own food. In the oceans the main producers ae algae.

Eating Producers
Comsumers get energy from the food made by other organisms.Consumers can be gouped according to the type of food they eat. HERBIVORES eat producers . Both earth's land and water swarm with herbivores-animals that eat plants, algae  and other producers.

Eating Herbivores
Herbivore, in turn, are eaten  by carnivores. All cats, big and small, are carnivores.  So re dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes and other sharp-toothed animals.  The sea also has carnivores. The most frightening of these is the great white shark.

Living thing that hunt otherb living things for food are predador.  The hubted ae called prey.  The relationships between predators and prey are a key part of both food chains and food webs.  Some animals eat meat but don't hut it.  They are scavengers.   When animals eats both anaimals amd plants, it is an omnivore-

What happens when Niches Overlap?
When two species are very similar, their niches  may overlap.  Sometimes the competition causes a poùlation to change its niche.  It had to find anothe habitat.

How is Energy moved in acommunity?

All the orgamism need energy to live.  Producers get nergy from the Sun,  Consumers get it from the foods thet eat

What happens to the energy?

An energy pyramid  that less and less food and energy is available as you go from the base to the top of thr pyramid.

What happens when there is a red tide?

The dinoflagellates are tiny algae are producers at the bottom of the ocean food chain.  They are a part of every ocean food web. They also pass up poisons.   People are also affected by ed tide.  A person who eats poisoned shellfish can  become very sick.

Summary #2 : Living Things and their Environment

An ecosystem is all the living and nonliving things in an area interacting with each other. Ecology is the study of how all  these things interact in order to survive . Most ecosystems are much larger than a jar. Some, like the prairie ecosystem of North America , the deserts of Africa , and the  rain forests of Brasil , cover lage areas of a continent . The nonliving part of an ecosystem are the ecosystem's abiotic factors. All living things need certain nonliving things in order to survive .  All organism need water . Living things need minerals, such as calcium , iron , phosphorus , and nitrogen. Some living things , like plants and algae , need  sunlight to make food . Animals need oxygen to produce the energy for their bodies. Plants and algae need carbon dioxide. The enviroment must also have the right temperature for organisms to survive. The living parts are animals, plant, fungi, protists, and bacteria. Mushrooms and molds are fungi . Prostis include onecelled organisms. Microscopic bacteria live everywhere. These organisms-animals, plants, fungi, protists, and bacteria - make up the biotic factors, or living parts, of an ecosystem. Plants and algae are called produces. They poduce oxygen and food that animals need . Animals are consumers. Animals also give off carbon  dioxide that plants need to make food . Fungi and bacteria are decomposers. They decompose, o break down, dead plants and animals into useful things like minerals that  enrich soil. Plants need these in orde to grow.Also many kinds of wildflowers  painted the landscape with beatiful colors. These wildflowers included purple coneflowerrrs, bluebells, yellow sunflowers, and golden daleas, yellow sunflowers, and golden daleas. Near streams a traveler might come across oak, hickory, elm, or cedar trees. All the organisms of a species living in the same area make up a population .Most people are satisfied with identifying the population around them. Scientists want to Know how population interact. Scientists  investigate the activities of aminals, plants, fungi , protists , and bacteria in the ecosystem . A species niche includes many factors. It includes what a species eats and what eats that species.  It includes the kind of environment the species needs to live in.It even include whethe the species is active  by day or  night. Scientists study the habitats and niches of organisms in a community. They do this to see if the community is healthy or in trouble. The world is a place of changes. One day the weather may be dry and cold . The next day it may be wet and warm. Heavy rains may drench  the land one sping and summer . The next year's spring and summer may have cloudless skies day after day.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Summary: Energy Resources

The heat in many other homes and businesses comes from electricity. So does the enrgy to run many common devices, such as light, computers, radios, TV`s , and washes. Some small devices such as flashlights and portable CD players get their electricity from batteries.
Electricity from that plant reaches your home throught wires. However, the power plants makes electricity by using energy
from burming fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. It takes
a lot of energy to move car, bus train. Public and private transportation is one of thd greatest uses of energy in today 's world. The heatcan also be used to generate electricity. The heat is used to boild waterand turn it into steam. the steam is directed at a big, pinwheel-liketurbine. Fossil fuels are the remains of onceliving things. Coal formed from the remains of dead plants buried in ancient swamps and forests. Natural gas and oil formed fromn the remains of tiny ocean plants and animals. These sea crreatures died and fell to the bottom of the ocean. There their bodies were buried by layers of sand and mud. As more and more layers covered these remains, pressure on them built up. Eventually, the layersof sediments turned   into sedimentary rock.Our supplies of fossil fuels ae limited, and fossil fuels are not a reneawable energy source. With the grownth of industry,m the demand for and use of energy also grows. 
Modern Waterwheels            
Any whitewater rafter can tell you that running water has a lot of energy. That energy can be hanessed to do work using waterwheels. Running or falling water tuns the wheel. the turning wheel spins an axle, which is attached to various machines to do work .

Harnessing the wind
Have you ever watched a pinwheel spin in the wind? Wind,or moving air, can also spin a wheel . Holland is well known for its great windmills.

Earth's Furnace
the Earth`s interior is very hot. thr most common evidence of that heat is simply hot water o steam coming out of the ground.Earth`s internal heat is called geothermal energy.
  • Homes in Boise, Idaho, have been heated by hot springs since the 1890s.
  • At the Geysers in California, steam drives turbines that generate electricity. The steam comes from underground water heated by geothermal energy.